They had a lot of these boat thingies that were actually floating bars. I didn't go to one, but I bet it's really pleasant to just sit out on the river and have a drink in the afternoon.
Here's the view facing away from the river. You can see the walls of the town and some of the older buildings inside. I guess Torun is a big tourist destination for Polish people because it is historical (kind of like a Williamsburg, I guess).
I don't know what this little wooden building is, but underneath it was a wall that had some sort of weird trippy mural on it.
...which somebody graffitied
Anyway, today I had my first morning of classes. It went really well -- much more smoothly than I was hoping for. I did a little "lesson" about American universities, and then I had them read articles from the Marquette Journal and explain them to the class in English. There's a real variation in their skill levels. I had three classes, and in each class there was at least one person who was really really good at English-- raising their hands, talking about how they wanted to travel to California, or asking me questions after class. There was also at least one kid in each class who seemed to not have learned much English at all and who were really uncomfortable speaking in front of the class. Hopefully these 3 weeks of class will be helpful to them.
Well that's all for now! Tonight we're doing a scavenger hunt, pitting the homerooms against each other. My homeroom's color is red, and we voted on the name "Red Rhinos." Go Rhinos!
Lauren I just found this blog! I wish it were called "Lauren's adventures living at the Reeves with Kari" instead. jk enjoy Poland. Also, did you show the Polish kids my article???